A review by _sylviareads_
From the Embers by Aly Martinez


3,5 stars

My overall feelings while reading this story: sad, heartbroken, bored, interested, excited, disappointed, bored, wtf shocked, bored.
The beginning of the story was very good. The emotions that could be felt in the first 30% of the book, the grief and guilt were so dominant that they made me so sad and heartbroken. I loved Eason, he was the only thing I loved about this book. Bree on the other hand not so much, because of her attitude towards Eason at the beginning. Although I understood where she was coming from I still didn’t like her, she was ALMOST like a secondary character to me.
The beginning of Bree and Eason's friendship and their support of each other in this difficult and terrible situation promised very good developments between them.
However, I was just very disappointed with how this relationship came to be.
Eason just thought several times that Bree was beautiful. It was a little boring, to be honest, nothing major was happening in this part of this story. Yes, they seem to be moving on, dealing with everything by supporting each other. Wich was important and I was glad that they have each other. And then Bree had several erotic dreams about Eason but it seemed like they came out of nowhere. And that’s it.
And then bam! Some interesting but shocking facts came to light, I became super excited about what will come out of this and I thought maybe this would give them time to develop this chemistry. But NO, to my surprise, it speeds everything up. They came from being kind of friends to kissing and being super into each other in a blink. I was missing some major development of feeling and chemistry here. In my eyes, this came out of nowhere. I was expecting some tension, uncertainty and hidden desires. I wanted this period to be more prominent where they go from thoughts to actions. Then they started to date and sleep with each other
And then something more shocking happened, and I didn’t see that one coming. But at this point, I just thought that the author did this just for the shock factor because it was getting boring or she wanted to add more words to this book or both. And then a happy ending.

Yeah, so that’s it. The only thing I liked in this book was Eason. I loved how goofy and sweet he was, how he pursued his dreams, what a wonderful father he was, and the fact that despite what he went through and how much he lost, he tried with all his might to be positive for the children. And maybe Bree gained in my eyes with how she supported Eason through it all.