A review by onceandfuturelaura
Agatha H and the Airship City by Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio


Kaja Foglio and I were dorm neighbors for several years. She was a hoot. With *fascinating* friends. Who sometimes would end up in my dorm room. I sometimes think I see shadows of some of these people in her books.

I haven't read the first comics for years, but I remember it took me a while to catch on to the fact that the uber-ruler guy wasn't really the bad guy. He's doing everything he can to make a space for civilization. And Agatha, for better or for worse, is a destabilizing force. His reaction to that drives a lot more of this story than I first realized. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I am increasingly finding him the second most sympathetic character.

Re-reading this book, I'm delighted about how it plays with the monomyth. Agatha is Moses, raised by loving surrogate parents trying to protect her from her parents' pasts. She literally rises to the call of adventure. Oh boy does she fight threshold guardians.

I like the graphic novel better, but it is much easier to see the structure in the prose. Also easier to carry on the bus.

Well worth the time.