A review by boldeststroke
I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times by Taylor Byas



And I’m not above
crying over long-lost things, but this is where it gets embarrassing. Your
name starts to bring tears to my eyes in grocery store aisles. And when I hear certain
songs, I miss something I’ve forgotten the name of. What a special kind of ache.

the jeopardy poem in this fucking rocked like i gotta try my hand at one of those at some point. byas's ability to use form in general is so admirable because you sometimes don't even notice that she's employing one until you're halfway down the page, and then you're like, wait a second, is this a VILLANELLE? so sick. i feel like she really elevates them by challenging herself further from the base of whatever original form she employs. i also have to watch the wiz now because it was fascinating to read a collection of poetry based on it without much prior knowledge on the movie, let alone the musical.