A review by faeriesparks
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon


4.5 stars
This book was unlike anything I've read in a long time. The world-building was so unique and while I had trouble understanding settings and terms for the first 50 pages, everything did make sense as the story progressed. The Bone Season takes place in an alternate London, just a bit in the future. I found the setting of Scion London and Sheol I incredibly interesting. And also everything about the clairvoyence aspect of this book had me glued to the pages.

While I felt a bit detached from our main character Paige for a majority of this book, I really enjoyed reading about her. I liked how she thought very logically. About two thirds into the book I warmed towards her character and enjoyed her even more.

The tension between Paige and Warden had me flailing like crazy. I loved the way their relationship progressed throughout the book and I cannot wait to find out how the story continues.