A review by ruby_roo
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie by Anthony Del Col


I received a free e-arc of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked this graphic novel. It was really interesting to see Nancy, Frank and Joe in a more modern setting and with a grittier story. I really liked that each character had a different colour of box for their inner monologue. I loved that Frank felt authentic and true to the book series, as I treasured those growing up.

I was disappointed that Aunt Gertrude and Hannah weren't mentioned, I would have loved to see those characters modernised. The reason I can't give this the full five stars is that I was really disappointed in how some of the characters were portrayed. Nancy came across flat and petulant, she didn't feel like the smart, resourceful, capable amateur detective we know and love. Joe was really just a guy who talked with his fists and didn't have much going on upstairs. Fenton, Carson, and Collig were the worst, they felt like completely different characters, I could not reconcile their behavior with what I was used to seeing from them.

Overall I am aware that my issues may stem from the fact that I haven't read many graphic novels, and I certainly know even less about noir. I enjoyed the read, I flew through it and would love to read more of the story. If you enjoyed the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, definitely give this a go, but be aware this is not the books we grew up with, in much more than just the setting.