A review by bookbreaksnhottakes
Kingdoms of Night: A standalone fantasy romance anthology by May Sage, May Sage, Emma Hamm, Lexi C. Foss


A good mix of novels, different spice ranges

I thought this was a good mix of novels to introduce people to authors. The stories take place in different kingdoms and different spans, but all have a slightly darker tone to them

2 comments I have:

1. Spicy: I will state that when I was looking up the novel I didn’t see any spicy warnings, but the first couple books in the series are definitely a high spice rating. One of the novels even comes with a warning, which I greatly appreciate it and I ended up skipping that one. Chenovo‘s towards the end or lower on the spice reading but then it picks back up.

2. StandAlone : It says that they are standalone novels but that’s kinda a loose definition. One book in particular even though it technically had a happy ending, the main global conflict was not resolved. Several of them were prequels, which will technically be a standalone, I feel like also it is it. That might just be me though.

Overall if you’re looking to get introduced to some new authors, you don’t mind space, and love to read a little bit a fantasy, you will probably enjoy this anthology.