A review by bluepigeon
Ricky Rouse Has a Gun by Christopher Sprigman, John Aggs, Jörg Tittel


Ricky Rouse Has a Gun is an action-packed satire. Ronald Duck and a bunch of his giant costumed friends, Rambi and Ratman et al., take 500 people hostage in the amusement park Micky just started working. Micky is ex-military, but he could care less, so he bolts out of there, until he realizes that his daughter, who is visiting him for a day from the US, is actually in the park. So he has to haul ass and save everyone. This is the heart of the story, though the political satire and the China-US stuff everyone else is talking about in their reviews is in every panel and ever, uhm, shot. There are some strong themes around parenting, failure, relationships, family, success, honesty, etc.

Recommended for those who like amusement rides, furries, and cell phones.