A review by erin_oriordan_is_reading_again
Cinderella Lopez by Berta Platas


A charming, if not particularly substantial, contemporary retelling of the old European fairy tale, complete with glass-heeled slippers. As I mentioned in a previous note, my expectations of Latina chick lit are based on the incredibly high bar set by the amazing Marta Acosta's Casa Dracula series. Casa Dracula has it all: the romance, the danger, the fashion, the completely lovable heroine wrapped up in comedy of manners, a genre that has never before seemed so appealing. Berta Platas has the charming heroine in Cynthia (Cyn) Lopez, Cuban-American personal assistant to her Argentine-born stepsisters, twin vjs on a fictionalized version of MTV. Her "prince" is Puerto Rican Eric Sandoval, the new owner of the music station. I rooted for hard-working Cyn to get her happy ending, but the novel didn't quite fit me like a glass slipper. It's a fun book, though.