A review by merlin_reads
Wake the Hollow by Gaby Triana


 When we think about Sleepy Hollow, I'm sure all of us think of the headless horseman and Ichabod Crane. Or maybe Johnny Depp...either works - he was adorable in the movie.

Dang, now I want to watch Sleepy Hollow. Anyway...moving on to the book. The legend of Sleepy Hollow is what initially drew me into Wake the Hollow. Mica is called back to her hometown of Sleepy Hollow following the death of her mother and the circumstances surrounding it. In a town full of legends and secrets, Mica finds herself instantly sucked into a war of sorts as she tries to figure out just what her mother was up to and how far people would go to stop her.

Triana weaved the legends and myths about Sleepy Hollow well into this modern day tale. My favorite parts were about Washington Irving and learning about his life. I literally knew next to nothing about the author and I liked this bit of history. Triana found a corner of his life that was relatively unknown and expanded on it.

I also really liked the character of Dane. While I wasn't too sure if I could trust him or not, he was intriguing. He showed up right when Mica did. Seemed to be everywhere Mica was. Kinda stalkerish, but kinda not. He really could have gone either way and I enjoyed trying to figure him out.

As for the rest of the characters...they were all right. Nothing super special about them. I felt bad for Mica - her mother just died and her father was somewhere off in another country obviously avoiding her calls. She was alone in a town that hated her and her mother. I applaud her for going out and finding the truth, but I wish she would have listened to her instincts more. Hell, listen to the damn ghosts that follow you around. It was extremely frustrating to have her say that she needs to follow the spirits where they take her and then turn around and run away the moment they show up. It was a constant battle with her almost every chapter. Pretty sure the truth could have come out in the third chapter or so had Mica done what she said she was going to do.

The ending was a tad melodramatic - a little over the top for me. But overall, an entertaining read. Especially if you're a fan of Sleepy Hollow.

I received an e-copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.