A review by cadiva
The Prince's Dragon by Sam Burns, W.M. Fawkes


I need book three like right now because I have feelings, feelings about people who need to have very horrible things happen to them.

This book nicely takes off very soon after the end of book one with the Kingdom in chaos and Tris not knowing where to turn.

There's dangers lurking around every corner but there's also unexpected allies and new friendships forming too.

This book has multiple POVs and I love that I get to see inside the head of lots of different people, not just Tris and Bet.

I also love that there is a strand of FF romance running through the narrative as dragon emissary Rhiannon continues her journey with Sir Sidone, the beautiful knight who helped her escape.

With new secrets being revealed, new characters entering the plot and an enemy determined to take all, the pacing rattles along like a train hurtling to a broken bridge but never veered too far away from the central thread as Tris and Bet navigate their relationship further.

#ARC kindly received from the authors in return for an honest and unbiased review.