A review by vlslayton
Angel Evolution by David Estes


The cover is gorgeous and had me interested. I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I am a sucker for great covers.

I was not sure what I would think of this book in all honesty. I had not yet found a book in which Angels vs. Demons could keep my full attention. Angel Evolution by David Estes has changed my previous statement. This book kept me on the edge of my seat.

I will not give anything away in this review because that will take the fun and the ride out of the book.

Angel Evolution does not have a religions views which is very refreshing when reading about Angels vs. Demons. What your mind tells you should be good and bad, just forget it because David Estes has found a way to make you think, "What...... Really...... But how can that be?" How he could have the imagination to come up with that?

The plot kept me interested throughout the entire book.

I feel as if I am still getting to know the characters, but I believe that is what David Estes planned on. You never know what to expect, what's coming next and who to love and hate. It is quite amazing in my opinion. I do not like reading a book and have it figured out in the middle of the story, there is no way I could have figured this one out.

If you have not read Angel Evolution I would highly suggest reading it..