A review by suvata
The Pathless Sky by Chaitali Sen


January 2016 Late Night Library Book Club Selection

Author interview:
Late Night Conversation, hosted by Paul Martone

The Pathless Sky takes place in an unnamed country that is in political turmoil. Even through all the social unrest John and Mariam find each other and fall in love. They are kept apart through most of the story because of social and political circumstances. They do eventually marry and have a brief period of peace and tranquility. Then Mariam suffers through an unsuccessful pregnancy. This causes internal conflict in the couple just is an external conflict is raging outside.

This is a beautifully written love story. Each and every sentence was a treasure. I just can't stress enough how much I loved this haunting tale.

I am so thankful that Late Nght Library turned me onto this book. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed every book they have sent me through their book club. You should consider joining.