A review by lnatal
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea by Michael Morpurgo


From BBC Radio 2:

Episode 1 of 4
Arthur Hobhouse and his friend Marty meet for the first time on a boat bound for Australia. They are part of a consignment of child migrants sent from Britain to find new and better lives in Australia. The boys are sent to work at Cooper's Station, under the care of the cruel and vindictive Piggy Bacon.

Episode 2 of 4
Arthur and Marty manage to escape the hands of the vicious, religious sadist Piggy Bacon. They flee into the unforgiving Australian outback where they find a temporary sanctuary with the kind and generous Aunty Megs. They stay with her for 5 years, working on her farm. All goes well for them until they have to leave to make their own way in the wide world.

Episode 3 of 4
Facing hard times, Arthur and Marty turn to drink. Arthur ends up in hospital where he falls in love with a nurse, Zita, marries and has a daughter. Arthur and his daughter Allie decide to build a small boat to sail from Australia to England in search of Arthur's long lost sister Kitty. When Arthur dies unexpectedly, the trip is put on hold until Allie announces that she will make the 15,000 mile journey round the world to find Kitty on her own.

Episode 4 of 4
Allie Hobhouse decides to sail solo to England to look for her Aunty Kitty. She rounds Cape Horn, has an unexpected encounter with a space traveller, is shipwrecked and eventually finds herself in London. Will she find her Aunty Kitty? Find out in this, the final episode of Michael Morpurgo's Alone On A Wide Wide Sea.

Alone On A Wide Wide Sea was written by Michael Morpurgo, adapted for Radio 2 by Ian McMillan and stars Jason Donovan, Olivia Beardsley and Toby Jones.


4* War Horse (War Horse, #1)
3* Private Peaceful
CR Alone on a Wide Wide Sea
TR An Elephant in the Garden