A review by suzifevens
Why I Held Your Hand by Augusta Reilly


Why I Held Your Hand is a romance set in a small town, a town that is in desperate need of a marketing campaign to get tourists. Our main character Laura loves her town and is desperate to help it survive which is why the mayor on her recommendation, hires a marketing team to save it.

Little did Laura know that she would fall in love with one of the three men on the marketing team and she and he kick-off a romance without disclosing it to the marketing company. In the meantime, Laura finds herself working closely with another member of the team and while she tries to ignore them, starts to have feelings for him too.

When a chain of events leaves both men to find out about one another Laura is left with what seems like an impossible choice.

This is an open-door romance and over-all I enjoyed it but I feel like Laura crossed some lines. It's one thing for someone to cheat (or nearly cheat) with someone, but it's totally different if the person you are almost cheating with honestly thinks you're single and available to date. I don't know, that sort of rubbed me the wrong way, but otherwise I liked it.

Thanks for NetGalley for this ARC.