A review by colej67
Almost Anorexic: Is My (or My Loved One's) Relationship with Food a Problem? by Jenni Schaefer, Jennifer J. Thomas


While having some interesting things to say, the way this book was written is a little grating. It tried too hard to connect with the reader by using humor and cute phrasing. And with the title of "Almost Anorexia" this book focused more on full blown eating disorders than people on the verge of eating disorders. Also, the title "Almost Anorexia" doesn't quite fit. It's pithy to be sure but "Almost Anorexia" doesn't sound serious enough. It's more like having issues with food and weight, or thinking similarly to someone with an eating disorder, or "having similar thoughts to someone with an eating disorder, but not quite meeting the criteria for having a complete disorder." Almost Anorexia is just eye catching enough to get people's attention and to be controversial. Other than that, this book is ok. Nothing life changing, at least for me, but for someone doubting if they have issues with food and who needs general information, this is a good read.