A review by nancybeth
Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh


I was torn on this book. In the first half, almost nothing happens. Instead, every person's attire is described in detail, there are a ton of backstory info dumps that had no bearing on events in this novel, and EVERY conversation Elena has is described word for word. Literally every conversation - with every person she interacts with. And she interacts with a lot of people. So much of this was filler and did not contribute AT ALL to the main storyline.

There is little conflict for Elena and Raphael as a couple. What I enjoyed about their previous books, and what makes them my favorite couple in the series, is watching them grow as a couple and figure things out as a new unit. But their growth as a couple happens in the two years prior to this book, and this book's pages devote little time to exploring their relationship.

The second half was more interesting as the actual plot of the novel came to the forefront. I was held in suspense and genuinely spooked by the atmosphere of Lumia. I couldn't put the book down because I wanted to learn what secrets the Luminata were hiding. While the second half held many of the same weaknesses as the first half, I noticed them less because I was caught up in the progression of the mystery.

I finished the book with mixed emotions. I would rate the first half of the book a 2 and the second half a 4. So I settled with a 3 for the overall book.