A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Fierce Obsession by S. Massery


It’s the end of an era, and what a ride it was!

Knox Whiteshaw, you big, beautiful~gossiping~golden-retriever who never heard a secret he didn’t race to tell-asshole, I love you so much!

I’ve said all along that Knox was going to be the dark horse of the hockey god boys,and when you’re lucky you’re lucky, because I was correct!

Knox and Aurora have the very best kind of chemistry, and the painful, almost desperate yearning that Knox constantly fights feeling for her, took the angst and tension of this installment to another level,for me.
Gone was the uber confident and playful hockey player,as he was replaced with a vulnerable, almost lovesick boy next-door, who never got over the love of his life, and who refused to sign divorce papers, intent on never severing the final tether to his childhood sweetheart.

Having seen Knox’s relationship/camaraderie with Melody in Jacob’s book,the readers knew of his selflessness and ability to form meaningful friendships, but to see him be so caring and generous at such a young age with Aurora further cemented my love for his character,and I’m so glad that we got to see a softer side of him.

Watching Knox and Aurora grow together as adults into the kind of couple who can face any adversity after what they have been through, was such a pleasure.
Additionally, the key moments between Knox and Miles and the retrieval of their brotherly affection made me shed an actual tear. Those scenes were so pivotal to them moving on, & into a future where they’re both happy and healed. Making way for success in their own lives, and reconnecting as brothers. It was a thing of beauty. While I’m sad that this series is over, knowing that all the characters have been taken care of, and given their happily ever after means that I can part with them on a happy note.
The series given me a lot of laughs, gasps, and hot and spicy moments that I will forever remember. This is a must read, and an easy five star read. Well done.