A review by jbarr5
5 Days to a Clutter-Free House: Quick, Easy Ways to Clear Up Your Space by Marsha Sims, Sandra Felton


5 days to a clutter free house by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims
I agreed to read this book and post my review in exchange for getting a copy of the book.
At first I thought why would I want to read this: I don't want a perfect house. I do have some things lying around, my house is lived in. Till we had frozen pipes and didn't learn of the leaks til weeks later one Friday night in the cold and we couldn't find 'dope' tape for the pipes.
It's dark and cold out so to the store and I stayed home and tugged things out of the Bermuda triangle and found many rolls of the tape. Nothing got put back in the cabinet. Instead I got a few boxes and sorted out things as I went through them-I needed an ok from hubby to toss some things but at least all the plumbing things were in one box, all electronics in another and all electrical in the last box.
Wow this book has come in handy in keeping the clutter fit and trim. It's a battle but we are basically orderly people and will strive to be better with the tools. Chapters at the end of the book were the most helpful as I did not want to enlist the help from others. It only took me 5 hours and a lot of things were screws and nails, then another 1/2 hour for hubby to go through what I had sorted and for them to decide to toss things.
Now we can reach in and actually see whats in the tote box. I learned a lot of new things to do also in other rooms that I will put to the test next week-day before garbage day!

I received this book from bookfun.org in exchange for my honest opinion