A review by jmbz38
New Super-Man Vol. 3: Equilibrium by Gene Luen Yang


I love this series and was sorry to see it cancelled. I'll be the first to admit that the issues contained in Volume 3 have some pacing problems, especially the "Zero Ultimatum" arc. However there are so many great moments contained within the issues in this volume that the pacing problems are easy to overlook. Up until issue 13 (the first comic in this volume) the story has focused on Kong Kenan and his allies have for the most part been background characters. In the issues contained in the volume we finally get to see the entire Justice League of China in action. The background characters are brought to the forefront and the reader sees real character development spring forth from the small things mentioned in the previous 12 issues. I also really like that Avery (the Flash of China) starts to get a lot of page time. She was introduced during the first arc of Flash Rebirth but then faded away once that series moved on to other stories. She brings a great new dynamic to the JL of China's team. Both through her personality and the fact that she's a Chinese speaking American surrounded by natural born Chinese heroes.

The issues in this volume also feature several great fight scenes which compliment the character moments. First the Justice League of China faces off against all of the foes introduced throughout the series so far. In a battle royale in which the fate of Shanghai hangs in the balance. Then you get to see the JL of China fight the Suicide Squad. Then a few issues later the JL of China goes toe-to-toe with the American Justice League. If you want to see a fresh take on the well known super hero team concept, I highly recommend this entire series; and especially Volume 3.