A review by thoughtsfromapage
The Futilitarians: Our Year of Thinking, Drinking, Grieving, and Reading by Anne Gisleson


3.5 - 4 stars

The Futilitarians is a weightier book than I normally choose to read, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The book is heavy on philosophy, a subject I honestly did not know very much about before I read The Futilitarians. Anne Gisleson and her husband Brad chose to create the Existential Crisis Reading Group (nicknamed The Futilitarians) to focus on the question of how people move on in the face of great loss. Anne lost two younger sisters to suicide, weathered Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and lost her father to cancer. Feeling burdened by her many losses, she strove to find a way to carry on using the group’s monthly meetings and reading choices as a path to recovery.

Gisleson chronicles a year of the Futilitarians’ meetings including their reading choices for each month. I enjoyed some months more than others but learned a lot as I followed her path to find meaning in her life. I am glad I received it as part of Little, Brown’s Ambassador program; I doubt I would not have chosen it myself, and it was well worth the read. All opinions are my own.