A review by bookwyrm76
I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai


Excellently written, but go in knowing that it will be disturbing. As someone who generally takes trigger warnings of sexual assault, depression, and/or suicide fairly lightly, this book affected me so strongly that I had to set it aside at the half way point. It affected my mental state to the point that I needed the break to reset myself and after a week, I still ended up skipping a huge section of the book and reading just the last 100 pages and deciding that I was ok not going back for pages 400 to 650 or so.
Again, incredible writing and a novel that explores how our pasts shape our present, how we change as we age from teens to adults, and how the world changes too.
I know this one will stay with me for a long time. It will probably float in and out of my mind as I hear news stories or overhear comments about how it used to be.