A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Shadows of Rookhaven by Pádraig Kenny


For some reason I had totally missed that the matching edition to my first book in the series had already been released. However, a friend pointed me towards it and since I didn't have that much reading time this afternoon I needed something quick and easy. Well, I knew that this book would be both, like most Middle Grades. I was very excited about reading it though. Mostly because I really fell in love with this family of monsters in the first book.

Let me start the review with saying that I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first because the family members making the first book for me were way less present in this tale. I get the impression that all the gifts and fascinating aspects of the family members and house were unused in this book and I really missed that element. Of course they were there and clearly showing support, but I wished we had see more of them and that they had been more actively involved.

I did really love the plot of this book though and especially all the reveals in the finale. A lot of middle grades portray their characters very black and white, but this book actually adds some nuance without undoing the horrible things people do. The book simply explains that sometimes people can do horrible things for very understandable reasons. I think it's a nice conversation starter too when it comes to love and what people would be willing to do for it.

Although the different family members are not as present in this book as they were in the previous book, I really enjoyed getting to know Piglet better and I especially loved how this book once more showed that love can change the world and make it a better place. Just like the previous book this one is also very much about believing in people, having each other's backs and giving others the courage and tools to learn and grow into better people.

If there ever comes a next book, and I assume there will be, I'll happily read it!