A review by nessreads11
Master Professor by Tara Sue Me


*I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

4.5 Stars

This book, ooooh weeee *fans self*

1. Hot
2. Sizzling
3. Scorching
4. Luscious
5. Mouthwatering

Just a few words to describe how oh-so toe-curling this book was. My-oh-my I devoured this book. 'Master Professor' intrigued me, I couldn't flip the pages fast enough. It lured me and kept me wanting more.

Terrence Knight is a Dominant, and wants his girlfriend, Andie to be trained as a submissive. So, he enrolls her in an academy that will teach her how to be just that. Terrence would teach her himself, but you see, he's a famous actor and doesn't have time due to his filming schedule. Andie loves Terrence and wants to be trained as a submissive not only because it would make Terrence happy, but also because she really wants to too.

Fulton Matthews is the director of incoming students and will be Andie's teacher. He doesn't know why she's there, he feels as though her only reason is to make Terrence happy. He doesn't believe she's there on her own accord, and that she isn't taking her stay at the academy seriously. Little does he know, the joke is on him.

At first, Andie and Fulton's relationship started off rocky, but as time went on they started to be comfortable with one another. As days go by and lessons are taught, Andie's wild side is slowly unleashed. She's a good student, but only because Master Fulton is a very good teacher. Their relationship is so damn hot you need endless amounts of water to put the fire out. Andie starts developing feelings for Fulton, but she doesn't know if it's because he's bringing out her submissive side; or if it's because she truly and deeply really likes him.

I couldn't get enough of Fulton, damn that man! He was such an alpha, but he was also charming and sweet and gahhhh I just loved him! Wouldn't mind calling him Sir a couple of times. *wink face*

I can't wait for the second book. I really need to know about certain things and certain characters.