A review by monakabbani
Rated by Melissa Grey


The characters may be the only redeeming part about this book.

First of all, the world building needed to be more present. I wanted to learn more about the rules to the scoring system and how and why it was created so I could feel more grounded in this novel. But I wasn’t. Instead, I was just carried through the story and then convenient rules that were never explained before became solutions to problems.

I also am not convinced that the scoring system needed to be there in the first place. The whole point was these students were feeling pressured but it seemed more so that their parents and teachers were the ones pressuring them rather than the system. So, you could’ve just built this world around helicopter parents instead of some half ass futuristic program.

The ending was way too cheesy romantic and I completely fell out of my belief. I was loving some of these romance plots but don’t push it so far to the point where it’s magically a 100% happy ending in every way because I will not believe you.

I discouraged my friend from reading this book because I know she’d be disappointed even though the writing was well done and the characters were great.