A review by zedcaster
The Savior's Champion by Jenna Moreci


I loved this book and was frustrated with it in a few aspects. But Overall, it was solid.

I loved the chemistry between Tobias and Leila. It was believable, entertaining, and steamy~ There were a few situations that I think were unrealistic. But for the sake of spoilers, I'll just say it didn't completely take me out of the story. It was more irritating then anything.
The other contestants, on the other hand, were hit or miss. I loved certain characters and their backstories, and their relationships with Tobias and the others. Then other contestants are named but we don't learn a lot about them so they stay in the background. This would have been fine if they just remained the faceless laurel they were given but they had names, so I expected more story from them.

The finale of the competition was enthralling. I felt every emotion on the page from Tobias and Jenna did an amazing job of making it very visceral. And I very much loved the cinematic reveal at the climax!

The cliffhanger kept me wanting more and I was excited to get to the next book! Overall, a really good read!