A review by wrentheblurry
Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff


I probably found it closer to 4.5 stars than 5, but since that's mostly because I don't usually give out 5s or 1s, and I don't have a quibble with this excellent title, that we're going with a FIVE!

Here we have the adventures of Delilah, a kick-ass sword-fighting lady who travels the globe, mostly on the run from whomever she robbed, beat-up, or escaped from in the last locale she visited. In a prison in Constantinople, she encounters a Turkish Lieutenant, Mr. Selim. The Lieutenant is refined to her rough (he makes an excellent cup of tea), calm to her flighty, and nearly useless in a fight. Yet he's intrigued by her, and due to some parts necessity and some parts fate,they set off together in her flying boat.

The artwork is gorgeous! From landscape scenes that could be a photograph, to fluid and wonderfully choreographed battles, to the perfect capture of expressions on the character's faces, I loved it all.

The whipped cream and cherry on top for me is the interplay between the main characters. It's funny, and it's also really, really sweet. This is my first Delilah book, and my first Tony Cliff one too. After this one, I've added all the rest to my TO READ list. This is so good!