A review by averagegal
Fallen Star by Susannah Nix


**This book was a Kindle Unlimited loan.**

This is the third Susannah Nix novel that I've read and must say that I am smitten. While her romances wouldn't be classified as "sweet" (translation: devoid of sex), she does spend a good bit of time developing the friendship between the hero and heroine before getting to the bedroom activities. Her characters are young but usually over 25 which is always nice for me since I am moving away from reading books about characters who are barely old enough to vote.

Our hero Scott was a recovering drug addict and, while I don't have personal experience with this issue, I think Nix handled it well. Sometimes books dealing with this issue can read like a PSA or an after-school special, but that wasn't the case here. Scott's mental issues were dealt with seriously without making the tone of the book overly angsty. I especially liked the fact that our heroine Grace was not portrayed as the magic fix for all of Scott's anxieties and issues.

Out of the three Nix books that I have read, this one seemed to have more explicit sex in it. I tend to start skimming if a book has more than one sex scene, but surprisingly I didn't feel the urge to do that here. That is a testament to the author's skill in making each love scene feel important to the plot instead of just another interlude.

I would recommend this book, and I can't wait to see what Susannah Nix writes next.