A review by ihlonial
Mirror Sight by Kristen Britain


In Blackveil I expressed that I was finally feeling like this series was going the direction i wanted it to and I praised Britain for being able to tell such a compelling, complex story and I was genuinely so invested in this series and was ready to put this as one of my top series ever.

Until this book.

This book broke me.

I am not the first victim of the tragedy that is this book. I truly had such high hopes and wishes for where Britain would take this series next. But this book was not it. This book is what I believe to be an author who has fallen out of love with her series but is stuck in a contract to finish this series and so she bends her next manuscript to be about what she wants using the characters of the series she's already got. This was not a high adventure fantasy novel about good fighting evil. This was a steampunk revolutionist piece that should have been a standalone novel that had nothing to do with Karrigan and all of my favorite characters.

I don't like Karrigan in this book. I don't like anyone she meets. None of my favorite characters make an appearance and I don't think any of this is actually tonally in sync with the rest of the series and it's profoundly upsetting to see how quickly a series can crumble. And it's so bold for Britain to do such a thing when the Green Rider series is her only laurel.

I usually abstain from being so scathing in my reviews, but I just feel so utterly betrayed.

I'm sincerely hoping that things can be repaired after this dumpster fire.