A review by jennd_18
The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens


Though a little more awkward than Dickens' usual, this is still a cute story. Maybe I'm too used to his twists to be surprised any more, but Mr Peerybingle's reaction really is beautiful and sweet.
I saw a lot of reviews comparing this to Christmas Carol. If you're on the fence about reading this because it is perceived as inferior to Christmas Carol, let me try to explain. It's like a movie adaptation of a book you love. If you go into the theater expecting the greatness of the book, you usually walk out disappointed at least, possibly passionately grumpy. This story was never meant to be on the level of Christmas Carol. If you can accept that and just want a light, quick read (rare for Dickens), give it a try.
This review is brought to you by a bias reader. Dickens is my favorite (beside Diana Wynne Jones). I am telling you upfront, it is nowhere close to his best. But, it still has his prose, charming characters, and fun metaphors (cricket included, I'm partial to the clock).