A review by brontherun
The Art of Dying Well: A Practical Guide to a Good End of Life by Katy Butler


This book is a very practical guide to actions you can take as you (or a loved one) approach dying and the health conditions that are a precursor to dying.

The ability to line up compassionate and consistent resources for good dying and a good death is as difficult as getting a firstborn child in a good daycare quickly. The good facilities are often expensive and in high demand, causing a shortage of quality options.

On top of availability and affordability, the person approaching death needs a strong advocate. Katy Butler calls it like she sees it:
"It may take a village to die well, but it also takes one strong person willing to take ownership - the human equivalent of the central pole holding up a circus tent."
And it definitely feels like a circus around you, just about every day. Especially if the terminal disease is Alzheimer's/ Dementia.

The medical, spiritual, and practical aspects of guiding the reader to a better death experience are spelled out. And indeed, the medical aspects may seem the less pertinent. Butler explains:
"Perfection is not a goal of art; it is an ambition of technology and science. Arts are improvised out of the limited, imperfect materials at hand."

Barring the ability to 'purchase ' a good death, learning and developing your skills towards the arts of dying is a great benefit fot you and your family.