A review by trippybooks
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland

Did not finish book.
Thank you Netgalley for this Arc in exchange for an honest review !

I have been trying to finish this book for a month now & each time i pick it up i find i have to force myself to continue reading. Finally im throwing in the towel. I found this story moved at a snails pace and there was barely any dialogue between the main leads for the first 40% of the book .

Our love interest Evemer has a vocabulary that consists of two words, “sir” and “highness” for the first 30% of the book. I love a good slow burn but COME ON.

Miraculously the plot sludges on , focusing on every character outside of the couple i actually want to see.

There isn’t anything wrong with the writing style and im sure some people will like it (fans of strange and stubborn endurance will love this) it just wasn’t for me .