A review by shasha
My Baby First Birthday by Jenny Zhang


really loved Zhang's first collection years ago, Dear Jenny We Are All Find, and she's come a long way since...but I don't know what happened– it's just not working for me anymore. I think this book of poetry was trying to be many things and it failed to deliver anything specific. the narrator's feeling of resentment and anger should have been relatable, but fell short of anything substantial.

I think you have to be into a certain amount of crude to appreciate this body of work. is being gross subversive now? anyway it was giving Rupi Kaur but in a c**t, d**k, c*m kind of way. yes there were a couple gems in there but most of the descriptors were needlessly vulgar throughout, making it hard to figure out if there was anything the narrator was really getting at. The language felt forced in general, idk, it kind of reminds me of her novel, Sour Heart, which another one I had to put down because it was just too much, and not in a good way. some folks might understand the mindblowing revelation behind the repetitive 'goo goo' baby talk she employs, but i am unfortunately not one of them.