A review by catevari
Earth Below, Sky Above by John Scalzi


Well. On the one hand, this all turned out much as I'd feared and we never get the big resolution or big answers to the questions raised throughout this "first season" of The Human Division. On the other hand, Scalzi has announced that there will be a second season, which makes the lack of answers far more palatable. Because, let's face it: I've had a grand old time on this adventure, and I certainly don't want it to end any more than Scalzi apparently does. The idea of more, of a second season, is tremendously exciting.

Barring the (now somewhat understandable) lack of answers, this chapter is otherwise all I could've wanted. Extant pieces of the puzzle do come together. There's danger and derring-do; dry, sarcastic humor, smart people being smart; explosions, triumph and tragedy.

So yeah; things don't wrap up as solidly as some readers might want. The big mystery does not get solved. But as a gateway to greater/further adventures, this was a hell of a lot of fun, something I looked forward to on a weekly basis, and I can't wait to have more of it. I especially hope that Scalzi keeps (or, really, the numbers support keeping) the serial format.