A review by kai3cll
The Last Girlfriend on Earth: And Other Love Stories by Simon Rich

Did not finish book.
DNF (0 stars)

I tried to complete the book. It is so tiny that it should have been easy but nope.

The first couple of stories is funny and enjoyable. They also feature some good puns. However, as it progresses the theme is repetitive. It is like reading the same thing over and over again in different settings.

I can summarize this whole book as there is a dude* and the dude wants to sleep with any woman he could find.

The women in the story aren't really of much importance apart from someone the dude wants to pursue. I did read reviews where they blame the author for stereotyping gender roles- I didn't reach that part as I got tired of reading about a dude trying to mate.


*The dude: here used as a regular guy made up of flesh and blood generally falling into the category of a biological male. However, he is deprived of any personality, opinions, and choices apart from a single goal of finding a woman (any woman) to mate with.