A review by theaurochs
The Causal Angel by Hannu Rajaniemi


Relentlessly inventive, with a narrative pace to match. The Causal Angel ramps up and rounds off the Jean Le Flambeur trilogy in exquisite style. A fantastic heist caper that sets the stakes as the literal fabric of reality. In the beginning of the book Earth is eaten by dragons, and it only gets wilder from there. It’s really difficult for me to understate my appreciation for this incredible series; but I do have to acknowledge that this third and final book is a little weaker than those that came before. In wrapping everything up, we somehow get more exposition that previous books, but fewer new concepts; a weird sort of mix. There also needs to be a strong warning on the whole series that Rajaniemi is throwing an extremely dense tome at you, that often aims for style and technique, and is deeply rooted in its post-singularity weirdness. It can be overwhelming at times, and even obfuscates the plot or the consequences. It feels a way that this book is not written for us, but for the residents of this bizarre and intricate future; so deeply is everything rooted in that world. For me, this kind of immersive storytelling is intoxicating but I can absolutely see why it turns people off. Honestly, my advice would be to sink yourself into it. Let it wash over you and become part of it, and enjoy the wild ride.

I love every aspect of this book, and the trilogy it caps. Intricately woven plot, where every thread has its exact place. The intrigue and machinations of clever and extremely powerful characters, watching them interplay and interact. The various future societies and how they attempt to coexist with their vastly different philosophies and societies. The amazing visions of technology. How all of this comes together to create a deeply believable world, despite the madness of it all. The well-realised characters with emotional stakes. The sheer thrill of the action, and the pure sensawunda of it all. The incredible talent of the writing, to craft something so multifaceted and have all of it work together. What a revelation.