A review by jiujensu
Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog from Iraq by Riverbend


This book is Riverbend's blog. She's a girl from Iraq and I wish I'd have found her blog at the time of the invasion.

It brought back some thoughts and feelings I had at the time of the invasion and highlighted things I'd not thought of or forgotten. All those things I didn't know or have forgotten definitely added insult to injury or injury to injury. Each event that came next was more ridiculous than the first. The invasion on false pretenses was bad, but everything that came after...wow.

In addition, she describes the food and culture, like the tea making process, Ramadan, significance of gold jewelry, relationships with Chrsitians and sharing holidays with them.

Riverbend explains things so well for us Americans. I have enjoyed the detail and context- not enjoyed descriptions of war- but you know what I mean- it fills in some blanks that were left intentionally by the government and media or my bad memory. It is a new context or perspective on what I felt back then.

More detail: http://notanotherpoliticalblog-j.blogspot.com/2011/07/baghdad-burning-by-riverbend.html