A review by jroberts1995
Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr by Clayborne Carson, Martin Luther King Jr.


Clayborne Carson rose to the challenge exceptionally when he was invited to form an autobiographical synthesis from Martin Luther King Jr's written works. The memoirs, speech transcriptions and letters are arranged and presented seamlessly; and Carson's transparency in the preface and acknowledgements should settle any of his readers' concerns about authenticity.
This book delivered as expected - and gave much more. King's first-hand account of cornerstone events in the civil rights movement is perhaps the most historically valuable aspect of the book, but there is an abundance of fascinating material for readers of all levels of familiarity with Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement. For instance, I was particularly engrossed as I read King's view of Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael and the Black Power initiative; his travels in India and his assessment of Mahatma Gandhi; King's take on the Kennedys and Lyndon B. Johnson, and the philosophical underpinnings of his commitment to nonviolence.