A review by lostinagoodbook
Bright Ruin by Vic James


Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

I was really looking forward to this last part of the Dark Gifts series. The book was good, but I did not like it as much as the beginning of the series. Looking back at my review for the first book, Gilded Cage I am reminded of what I liked about the first book, the character Silyen. I found him fascinating in a weird messed up way. He seems a sociopath, destructive and complicated. I was completely unsure of who this guy really was. A good guy with bad tendencies. A bad guy with a charming side?

In Bright Ruin, I still find him the most interesting thing about the story. Unfortunately, this is not a book about Silyen. He’s a main character but he is not the main focus. So when the story moves away from him and into the other side of the plot I started to lose interest. There is also a tie between him and the past that I found a little shoehorned in. It came pretty much out of nowhere and while it wasn’t bad, I wish it had been dealt with more fully. In other words, I wanted a Silyen series and this wasn’t it. It’s a good series, but I felt like it was strong in some parts and weaker in others. I’m glad I did read it though. I’d have felt odd not finishing the story and seeing what happens in the end.

Song for this book: Gaston – Beauty and the Beast (I can’t help it, Gavar Jardin reminded me of Gaston so much! ha!)