A review by lil_starz33
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna


Right off the bat, the concept reminded me of the movie The Island, which is one of my favorite movies ever. It’s really similar, except the people in The Island didn’t know they were copies of real people from the start, as Eva does.

The writing style is similar to the descriptive, moving writing in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I really connected to Eva, and her thoughts and feelings were really well conveyed. Even the secondary characters were complex and intriguing. Certain sections (no spoilers) had me so upset on Eva’s behalf that I felt like crying.

However, I’m removing one star as a result of the shitty ending and numerous plot holes. There was all this foreshadowing that the ending was going to go a certain way, and then the author just drops the thread and lets it go. There is no resolution to the issues at all. There is no happy ending, and it’s like her final stand didn’t even matter. Furthermore, there are numerous questions that are never answered. It’s like this is the first book in a series or something. I just kept waiting for more information. I would say the first ¾ of this book is really fantastic, but the last ¼ should’ve been done differently.