A review by lee25
Grave War by Kalayna Price


I absolutely love this series - I have re-read the entire series as each new book was released and I am devastated that it has come to end.

[b:Grave War|45700608|Grave War (Alex Craft, #7)|Kalayna Price|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1606451110l/45700608._SY75_.jpg|70469317] did not disappoint. It was a great ending to the series.
SpoilerAlthough as a huge Death fan I would have loved a lot more of him in this story.

Can't wait to read whatever [a:Kalayna Price|2803627|Kalayna Price|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1282843315p2/2803627.jpg] comes up with next.