A review by shimmery
Motherhood by Sheila Heti


As she nears the end of her fertile years, The narrator wonders whether or not she should have a child. Consulting flipped coins, everyone she meets and her own family history, she thinks about what it means to be a mother or not, and what it means to be a woman who resists this primal calling.

I think this is a fantastic book. Bizarrely, given how important it is, this is a subject rarely written about, and as the narrator points out, those women who decide they do not want to have children are often pitied and or misunderstood. I think this book will give a lot of women permission to follow their instinct not to have a child in a society that teaches women it is their purpose; that to not want to be a mother is an abnormality cured by meeting the right person/holding a child.

As well as being incredibly thoughtful and insightful, this book is also funny and entertaining — the narrator is a likeable person who manages to attract a lot of interesting people to her (including fortune tellers).

I think all women should read this book.