A review by ambeesbookishpages
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

*I apologize in advance if this review makes no sense*

There is a lot of hype surrounding this book. There is a major street team, a big ARC distribution, twitter pages and so much more that shows that this is the book to have in 2016. But I am always scared of that hype, because you expect something excellent then. If so many people love it, it must be a five star book, right? That is wrong. I was not a big fan of Truthwitch.

My biggest problem with this book was that it was so confusing. I understand that the beginnings of fantasy books tend to be confusing because of the world building, but I felt like there was so little world building that I was scrambling to figure out what was happening. But there are things that are left unexplained, are skimmed over. Things that were essential to the plot too. I pushed through it though, because everyone loved this book.

I enjoyed Merik's character. But I didn't like his ways. One minute he was protective over Safi, then he wanted to hand her over to the bad guys, then he wanted to kiss her, then he was locking her in chains. Hot and cold much? I get that he was under stress, but I really expected more from Merik from what everyone was saying. I also wish he stopped being an ass hat sooner and kissed Safi, because Denard did write a pretty steamy kissing scene and I wish we could have had a few more before the story ended. (They kiss in the last 20%)

Now as much as there were things that I didn't like about Truthwitch, there were somethings that I did like about. Safi's impatiences and eagerness to dive into things with out thinking about it reminded me of myself. But she also had a streak of selflessness at the end of the novel that had me a little bewildered.

Truthwitch has me a bundle of emotions that I can't decipher. I liked it. I didn't like it. I want the next book. I don't want to next book. I think my big problem with this book was the hype surrounding it. I tend to struggle with those kinds of book. If I do happen to read the next book, I do wish I have better luck with it then this one.

Note: Thank you to Tor Teen for sending me a finished copy in exchange of an honest review