A review by rubiscodisco
Stainless Longganisa by Bob Ong


Back in college, my Psych teacher used to be quite a character (He's dead now, so...). A lot of students liked him because he was funny, he made the students feel smart with his witty jokes, his subject was easy to pass, and he insinuated himself as "one of the guys".
I didn't like him very much. There were deficiencies in the way he taught, because he tried so hard to make it easy for everyone. Learning knowledge is HARD, and you won't impart it properly is all you do is pander. In the same way, I have some reservations with Bob Ong.
On one hand, he is laugh-out-loud hilarious. His struggles as a writer got me thinking about whether to write or not. He sometimes shows depth, and compassion. My problem is that he's not quite there yet as a writer, and yet his following thinks he shoots wisdom out of his ass. I sometimes feel that he is not thinking broadly enough. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the book a lot. I just feel like how I felt when that teacher kissed ass with his students.