A review by biblio_mom
Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney


Reasons I DNF’ed this book after putting up a fight for 10 days reading it :

- 68-72 phone sex, fantasising each other sexually. 5 pages. really?
- no apostrophe for dialogues
- paragraphs rarely exist. its really exhausting
- the back to back emails sounds very pretentious, not to mention, do best friends really send each other a very long emails these days?
- the characters are highly unlikeable

I was thinking, is this that kind of book most millennials would enjoyed? Overall, its just not for me. and disclaimer, I am reviewing this book as it is, an uncorrected proof copy. So you don’t have to take my review 100%. I would check out the finished copy in the bookstore and see if it is heavily edited or something so that MAYBE in the slightest I would buy and read it.