A review by callidice
The Mad Scientist’s Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke


This story was utterly amazing....I had no idea that it would be as complex as it was. I loved how I got to see Cat grow up, from a carefree and curious young child, to a young woman who struggled with and tried to ignore her feelings, to an adult who finally chose to face the mistakes of her past.

I especially enjoyed seeing the relationship between Cat and Finn develop and evolve. It was hard, seeing Finn through Cat's eyes, as she always believed him to be an actual person, but kept denying to herself that there was any possibility that he could feel as humans could, since he was an android. She tried so hard to live her life the way she felt she should have been, without realizing that she was never really living at all, and went so long denying herself any form of happiness, distancing herself from not only Finn, but everyone around her.

This novel truly got me thinking about many different things - not only about Cat and Finn's relationship, but about what it means to be happy, and the choices that people make in their efforts to try and achieve that happiness, especially when they struggle with trying to live up to society's expectations.

I'm going to stop now because I'm still trying to take it all in, but all I can say is that I highly recommend this novel to anyone and everyone.