A review by vailynst
In Times Like These by Nathan Van Coops



3.5 Stars for Narration by Neil Hellegers (He has an odd cadence to his narration that speeds up & down.)
4 Stars for Concepts
3.5 Stars for Characters
3 Stars for Plot & Uneven Pacing

Rambling Thoughts:
- If you ever watched Sliders, you would probably enjoy this book. It's kind of like Sliders but the main character/s are normal people who get sucked into a crazy event.
- Is the story realistic? Naaaaaaaaaah! But the author did a good job of portraying what may happen if a group of friends were caught up in a strange phenomenon. Lots of fun "what if" scenarios are tossed into the pot and tried out.
- A lot of blatant foreshadowing happens in the story and that makes it easy to guess where the story will go. I was right for about 95% and thought it was fun when I was wrong. =D
- Overall, an interesting time travel story.