A review by karenika
The Study of Animal Languages by Lindsay Stern


3.5 stars.

It's not often I want a book to be longer but this is one of the cases where I felt the author could have given us a bit more. This is a well-written novel about two professors who both study language from different perspectives (science vs philosophy) and their relationship and the lack of communication in it.

There is a lot in this small book: competition between spouses, complexities of academic life, misunderstandings in marriage, supporting a mentally ill family member, misunderstandings that cause everything to go awry and more. And yet I was left wanting a bit more from each part of the story. I wanted to see how the characters evolved.

Maybe that alone is a nod to how great the novel is because if it weren't I likely wouldn't have cared to want more. The writing in this novel is beautiful. The character development is rich. I am looking forward to another book by this author.

thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in return for an honest review.