A review by storytimed
When We Wake by Karen Healey


This is a YA sci-fi Australian novel about a teenage girl who gets shot at a climate protest, cryogenically frozen and wakes up 100 years in the future

I wish I liked this more?? I really enjoyed Healey's previous work, Guardian of the Dead, but somehow the  very basic modern white girl protagonist didn't work for me

Like, Teagan's love interest is............... a guy she mistook for her dead ex-boyfriend who was the same race, and then got accused of being racist for calling him by her ex's name

There's a little bit of interesting Commentary on Australian hostility to migrants and how that extrapolates to the future - Teagan is very pro-migrant and in a very satisfying aired interview calls out the establishment of the time because the future was supposed to be better, her generation was supposed to fix things and then they just fucking didn't

I love teenage climate rage!!!

But aside from that, the book was fairly standard