A review by lexaprose_
This Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances by Eric LaRocca


I am incredibly honored to have the opportunity to read and review this ARC which releases in April 2024.

First and foremost, this exquisite cover is MESMERIZING! I cannot wait to get a physical copy of the book.

This collection will stick with you for a long time. While all of the stories are horrific and depraved, they still have elements of relatability. The hauntingly beautiful prose taps into the depths of the human psyche and seeks to shine a light on the secrets of our human nature.

If you have not had the privilege of reading LaRocca before, just know his stories are works of art. I love how much detail and description he puts into his works while keeping the page number short and the pacing quick. I could read his stories in one sitting and often do, because once I start reading I can't put it down.

This ARC came with a caveat which says "Before you press onward, please take a moment to put down this book and truly consider how you’d like to proceed. Go for a walk. Listen to music. Make a cup of tea. Please consider this a final warning before you begin."

This Skin Was Once Mine- a "good for her" thrilling story about family secrets buried deep within. A24 please adapt this into a movie or series!

The story's namesake comes from a quote from the main character's father who says "a snake doesn’t glance back and think to itself, This skin was once mine. A snake always moves forward. Keeps changing. No matter what.”

Another poetic line I loved, "the little creature begins to glide down the stone path, dragging with it a transparent hose of old skin like a bridal train."

A special thanks to Aunt Trixie (Mattel) for the iconic lines "Christ in a Prada swimsuit" and “Mary Magdalene in Armani boots".

Seedling-a tale of a young man whose mother has recently passed. He returns home and faces the broken relationship with his estranged father. This story is grotesque and raw in a way that grief often is. Whew! This one was hard to stomach especially with my Trypophobia aka the fear of small holes.

All the parts of you that won't burn easily-My Strange Addition EXTREME edition. This was my favorite of the collection. I wanted more!

Prickle-story of two old men who reunite after 10 years and play a game from their past. This one caught me completely off guard and shook me to the core. *The woman was too stunned to speak.* The ending!!! I'm still in shock.

Thank you Eric! I can't wait to read more of your work.