A review by champ81
Highland Wolf by Lynsay Sands


A heroine too improbable to actually exist. Like, she's Cinderella who can gather wolves, stoats, horses, foxes, rabbits, cows, deer, and more to her simply by walking through the woods--and somehow they all just get along. (Seriously. If you are looking for a book with a stoat riding a Game of Thrones dire wolf, this one's for you.)

A hero whose main defining feature is that, besides being handsome, he tolerates and feeds her animal collection so they don't die after she repeatedly forgets about them after rescuing them. Oh, and that he's randy enough that he thinks it's a good idea to bring her to orgasm with his hand while they are riding a horse, surrounded by soldiers...while she is holding an injured fox and a stoat. (Sidenote: this is the moment when I began to suspect that this whole series, and this book in particular, is an elaborate prank on readers.)

This has to be my last book of this series, even if it continues--and honestly, I've read way too many already. Like the others, this features a bizarre and unpredictable plot that manages to be boring as well. As usual, the heroine is imperiled and the hero continually makes stupid choices. There are crazy women, priests making women fearful of sex, and Scottish clans doing clan things (mostly riding horses from keep to keep).

If you love this series, then you will probably like this. If you are indifferent to the series (maybe, like me, you've read it out of habit), just skip this one. If you are new to the series, pick an earlier one featuring the Buchanan brothers and leave it at that.

I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley for an honest review.